Friday, October 4, 2013

new mercies and pumpkin muffins

Dear You,

Good morning. I hope it's crisp and sunshiney where you are and that somewhere within your reach is a basket of chocolate chip pumpkin muffins.

So. How are you today? But, no, really. How are you?

Are you over the moon excited about something lovely coming your way--a wedding, a move, a picnic in the park with your favorite person? Are you struggling with mixed emotions about something, something you know you should be grateful for? Are you angry, tired, jealous, feeling left out, bored, irritable? Hangry?

Sometimes I'm a mix of all those things in one day. The day will start out like poetry. I sip coffee on the porch, soak in so much love and wisdom and joy from Him that I almost burst. Dance in the kitchen, alone, as I put away the dishes from last night's dinner. Take a walk out into the fall breeze and the sunshine, waving hello to neighbors and little dogs that I normally hate because they bark out the window all night.

And after riding that cloud of bliss into the afternoon, something happens. And I wonder if all the good moments of the day were already all used up that morning. Because now I'm bored and lonely and sick of it all. Sick of feeling those same frustrations. Sick of feeling stuck.

The next morning starts again, bloated with hope and more sunshine.

His mercies are new every morning.

No matter how beautifully or awfully your day starts, it won't necessarily stay that way. Bad days have a way of turning around, and good mornings don't always last.

So don't put all your stock into the morning. Make a ritual out of it, of course. Sip your coffee and listen for direction for your day. But the key is to keep listening. Keep seeking Him and His promises long after the caffeine buzz has worn off and you've forgotten what Bible verses you read that morning.

His mercies are new every morning and, really, every moment of the day.




  1. So so true. It's always the little things, too, that change my day (more like change my attitude) I try to remind myself that in the light of eternity, bad days are only a brief moment. The same goes for the happy mornings and sweet afternoons, and I need to soak them up and be thankful for the time I have been given.

  2. well. I'm officially painting some pumpkins this weekend.

  3. I totally get this. My mornings are so good and fresh and full of breakfast and yoga. But the afternoon somehow drags on me in just the way you described. Now that it's hunting widow season, I have even more random, overwhelming emotions that creep up on me during my nights alone. I needed this today. Thanks for writing.

  4. so true!
    resting in the truth, that his mercies are new every morning. thanks for the reminder :)

  5. So so true and definitely needed this today.

  6. It was so nice to read that I am not alone in feeling this way. I pray and read my Word in the morning, but that feeling of completeness seems to slowly fade throughout the day. Thanks for the reminder to "Keep seeking Him" even after that feeling has worn off.

  7. Such a wonderful reminder. Thank you.


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