Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry (Day After) Christmas

Christmas was lovely.

Lights, games, food, gifts, family. It was pure magic.

I loved spending time with our families, but my favorite part was Trevor's and my quiet Christmas Eve morning. Presents, coffee, brunch, movies, just me and my was perfect.

And our little Christmas brunch was surprisingly a success. I am not a cook by any means; I get all proud of myself if I make coffee in the morning. But I actually put a few things together for our brunch (homemade granola, whaaaat) and it was pretty decent if I do say so myself.

The only little mishap I had was when I took the champagne and orange juice out of the fridge to make mimosas. I had the champagne in one hand, OJ in the other, and when I saw that the OJ said "shake well", I shook well. Only I shook the champagne instead. It went everywhere.

I'm not exactly the brightest bulb.

I plan on enjoying the last few cozy days of 2012 by keeping my tree up for a few extra days and dreaming about all that's in store in 2013. Who's with me?


  1. haha! Oh no!!! haha It's okay, I've had a few mishaps too! (ie In the car with an oj and I went to shake it only it didn't have the lid on! oops!) :)
    Sounds like you had a lovely holiday thought!! Homemade granola sounds delicious!! xo

    1. Happens to the best of us, I guess! I'm just glad we had enough left to drink :)
      Hope you had a lovely holiday too!

  2. Hey Heather,
    So glad to hear you had a lovely time during Christmas!
    I'm the same way, I plan to keep my tree and lights up for a few more days and reflect my 2013! Speaking of 2013, my friend Andrea and I are doing a link up called "13 Resolution for 2013" on January 1st! We'd love for you to join us and meet other bloggers.
    Here's a little more info~
    Hope to see you there!


    1. Hey Sarah! Thanks for the info, can't wait to check it out :)

  3. What kind of camera do you use? It takes great pictures!

    1. I actually normally use my good old Samsung point and shoot (that I've had for five years!) My friend sweetly let me borrow her Nikon for a few months, and that's what I used for a few of the pics on this blog (such as my profile pic, etc.)

  4. I always wish that we could spend holidays as a family by ourselves more


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