Tuesday, February 26, 2013

on me not going crazy

This is basically my life nowadays.

It's almost March and when did that happen? I usually don't like when people remark on how quickly time seems to be passing (because isn't it always?) But we've been wanting to move since November, and we still don't know when that'll happen. So that fact that March is already roaring in like a lion has caught me off guard.

I am so, so ready to move.

This place, this town, this house--it was never my ideal place to live. I'm grateful for our house and for a beautiful, cozy first year of marriage. For the willow tree out front and the little hammock out back.
I'll never forget the fun we had working together and figuring out how to do this marriage thing.

But it's time.

I know it's tiring to hear my vague thoughts and dreams about moving. It's getting on my nerves, too. I can't wait until something becomes concrete. Yes, we can finally start packing. Yes, we know exactly when and where we're moving. Yes, we can buy those cute little change of address cards. But we don't know any of those things yet.

We're tip-toeing around the uncertainty and trying our best to live fully in the present, sipping endless cups of coffee and daydreaming together, as usual. We don't know where we'll be a month from now, but we do know that we can hang on to the things we are sure of. That God is always in control. That fish tastes best crusted in parmesan. That spring cleaning is good for the soul, and that sunshine and lazy days at the park are not as far away as they seem.

I'm staying as hopeful as I can in hopes that I don't end up at the funny farm. Because, you know, as frustrating as this season can be it is still so exciting. The thought of decorating our house, not just coming in and trying to make Trevor's house seem like mine, too--that's going to be heaven. Flowers and doilies everywhere, hurrah! I'm hoping that he will accept my homemade art as acceptable decor, or at least pretend to (I've kind of been blowing up my pinterest boards lately.)

So that's where I'm at now. Trying to be laid back, trying to go with the flow. Trying not to burst with anticipation. It's going to all be worth it soon. I think.


  1. Praying that God is with you in this season of waiting, girl!!

    And fish does always taste best crusted in parmesan, doesn't it??

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Not having a place that truly feels like it's 'yours' ... in due time, sweetie. Like you said, God is always in control. And when that time finally rolls around, it'll be spectacular. So much so that you'll look back at this post, shake your head, laugh a little and realize the wait was well worth it :)

  3. Aaaah! I love everything about this post. I think we've been riding in the same boat and didn't even know it. I'm emailing you ((again)). :)

  4. I am living with the fiance's parents waiting for the wedding and to finish the home loan process. I totally understand what you mean about waiting! It will all happen, just as it should though. For both of us. I believe that! Xo

  5. Very well articulated! Its hard to wait when you know you are moving on! Thanks for sharing :)


  6. i'm right there with ya! we've lived in the same apartment since we got married and i am just sooo ready to move. it doesn't help that we have the worlds worst neighbors, but i feel myself getting itchier and itchier to move every day!

  7. The waiting game is so hard. I understand.

    We moved too quickly into the first house we bought. Thankfully God taught us a lot and blessed us with a way to get out of it. We are now in a new house, and while we have a lot of decorating to do, I love that it is ours.

    It will happen. All in His time. Which I hated hearing when I was waiting but I don't know what else to say.

  8. I think we're a little in the same boat, here! We know we're moving and when but not where, yet. It's so difficult to wait and just trust in times of uncertainty! I'm such a planner and I'm SO ready to move and it drives me crazy that I can't make concrete plans yet! I'll be praying for you as you seek God's plan. He's got the right time/place for you. :)

  9. I'll be praying for you as you prepare to move!
    New follower!



  10. Visiting from i have thoughts. I hear you about moving. We have been married almost 4 years and we're going to move a year after we got married... I was so anxious to get OUT of this place where we are. For many reasons- mostly we just knew it wasn't an area we wanted to live long term. And I wanted to "start" life together. i wanted to buy a house, have a yard, get a dog, have a baby (in that order). Well we've done it all backwards and out of sorts. But God is good and He kept us here for good reasons I am sure. We are FINALLY moving this summer and I am SO excited. Of course we still have to find a house, but I am looking forward to making some of those dreams became a reality very soon :)
    Hoping you don't have to wait too long...


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