Friday, July 5, 2013

snippets from my yellow notebook

It is 2:57PM, at the office, and this is all I want in life: a shamelessly large mug of coffee. To look at things, things out of a window perhaps, anything besides a computer. That feeling of sitting in my hot, sun-drenched car after a day of no windows and a fixed 71 degrees. A big spoonful of peanut butter. Also, a hug.


I came home to a grinning Trevor and the sound of the coffeepot gurgling and dripping fresh coffee. I have never loved him more.


It's one of those days where I thew my hair in a bun and put on my favorite loose sweater and black cigarette pants and thought, every time I glanced in the mirror, that I looked like a very pale J.Lo.


I went to Target tonight and bought dental floss, index cards, and face powder. And that might say a lot about me, about where I am in life.


So I was thinking about kids today. I had a dream I got to meet our future kids, a girl and two boys. They were so cute; I loved those hypothetical children so much. So maybe I'll be ready in four-ish years. Maybe. And that's all I'm going to say about that.


Note: apparently Dutch people sleep with their eyes open. Must google!


I love when I keep thinking about a certain moment or past event over and over, wondering why the details are still so real and vivid when suddenly I realize, "Of course! I should be writing about this!"


Awkward: When the person at the table across from you takes a sip from his coffee at the same time you do, for the same length of time, and you can't help but glance at each other.


I thought for a moment there that I was about to give up on blogging. All the numbers and self-promotion make me want to gag, or at least seriously roll my eyes at myself. But then (after remembering that I actually paid for the design and all) I said, Heather, just blog for the heck of it. Write what you want to write (that is the point, isn't it?) and see who shows up.


I was working at the coffee bar at church last Sunday (have I mentioned I do that? have I also mentioned that those so heavily dependent on caffeine as I should not be responsible for putting it together and doling it out first thing in the morning?)

This lady walked up to me, eyebrows pulled together in recognition, and said, "You're...are you...?"

I smiled. "Trevor's wife."

She shook her head. "No, you're Heather."

She gets it. Everyone at this church gets it, and for that I am grateful beyond words.


  1. I love that you share your random thoughts here! I also love the idea of keeping a notebook for things like this. I carry one around with me all the time just in case. But do I ever write in it? No. Of course not, that makes too much sense. I'll live vicariously through your notebook instead :)

  2. love love love. this awesome. i wish i wrote things like this in my journal. mine is pretty darn boring ;)

  3. This is wonderful, thank you Heather for sharing and for linking up!
    So glad that you did, so that I could come 'meet' you in your space.
    Ronnie xo

  4. The bun, Target, and coffee-drinking at the coffee shop!

    THIS. I absolutely fell for this post :)

  5. i think this is clever and i think you are clever and i love what you do. i crave blogs like yours to read! i'm a fan.

  6. Lovely to discover your space, Heather.
    Can't wait to return.

    Sar x

  7. You have a coffee bar at church? Must. Have. Coffee. Now. I'm jealous. =) Our coffee at church is the worst coffee in creation. Seriously. It's like paint thinner.

  8. I love the way you write your posts! And I love that about you being Heather, not just his wife. Beautiful.

  9. Wow. this is wonderful. adore you're writing. Thank you.



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