Monday, April 14, 2014

March Book Report


There weren't a ton of "hits" on my reading list this month, but sometimes it only takes one really good book to alter your entire way of thinking and re-inspire your faith in the written word and what it can do for a soul.

Or something like that.

Here's what I read.

The Daily Study Bible Series (The Gospel of John) - William Barclay

Though I took some Bible classes in high school and college, I never quite grasped how to study the Bible. I'd never experienced an in-depth look at passages of scripture. When I stumbled upon this book at the library, I wasn't sure whether to get it - this particular book is on John, which wouldn't have made sense for me to read since I am reading the Bible cover to cover this year and am still knee-deep in the Old Testament. But I picked it up anyway.

I took a peek at the first pages when I got home and didn't put it back down until hours later. Maybe anyone else would find this totally boring, but I was hooked. If you've never heard of this series, it's basically an in-depth look at scripture written by scholars for the common reader to understand. It goes verse by verse, giving the reader the cultural background, historical context, exact meanings of words in their original language, etc. I ate it up. I've just never learned to study the Bible in that way and it has completely opened up my eyes as if I'd never read the Gospel before. Life changing. I could go on and on but I'll just finish by saying that if you're into that sort of thing, you absolutely need to check it out. The end.

The Reading Group - Elizabeth Noble

I'd heard a couple of people rave about this book so, despite the cheesy cover, I picked it up. I expected a book on, well, a reading group and how these women from various walks of life found some sort of meaning in their newfound friendships with each other. Instead in read more like a soap opera where these women and their dramatic lives occasionally got together to talk books. I thought that Noble was actually a pretty good writer, but the multiple plots of these desperate housewives wasn't worth the energy for me. If you're into housewifey British chick lit, you may enjoy it.

This Momentary Marriage - John Piper

John Piper isn't for everyone, but I truly enjoyed his cut-to-the-chase style in this book on marriage. Instead of a how-to book, it's more of a description of what marriage is meant to be, which is a symbol of our relationship with Jesus. Piper paints a Biblical picture of what marriage was originally intended to be and how we can either neglect that high calling or put too much emphasis on it and idolize our spouse (I've never heard that at a marriage conference!) It is the most straight-forward, Christ-centered book on marriage I've ever read and I wish I had gotten my hands on it years ago. I would highly, highly recommend it, especially to newlyweds.

Kisses from Katie - Katie Davis

This book has been out for a while, but to be honest, I'd always been afraid to read it. A nineteen year old girl gives up her life, moves to Africa, and adopts fourteen orphans - how could I not feel like first world scum after reading it? But. But Jesus came not to condemn. And Katie's story is dripping in love and hope. I closed the book breathless, but encouraged. God has called us all to a life of love and if I, too, want to do radical things for the Kingdom, I'd better start where I am, right here in the suburbs. This one is a must-read.

What's the best book you've read lately?


  1. Your book posts are always inspiring me to add to my reading list :) I have been wanting to buy Kisses from Katie for a little while now and your thoughts on it just propelled it to the top of my list. I am also interested to pick up the reading on John, as I have been trying to find a rhythm for studying scripture, as well as working through the Gospel. Thank you for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I read The Reading Group and didn't like it either. The character's lives made me feel a bit sad and underwhelmed

  4. Someone gave us a copy of This Momentary Marriage while we were engaged - so good. I'm currently rereading Piper's Desiring God which is one of those "foundational" books for me. He certainly is bold in what he believes!

  5. Heather, you read so many books! I love it!

    I have "This Momentary Marriage" but I haven't read it yet. Like you, I've also been afraid to read "Kisses From Katie" because I don't want to feel like a failure.

    The best book I've (started) lately is "Boundaries" by Cloud and Townsend. It's about setting healthy boundaries in your life and relationships...which is something I need to be better at!

  6. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas is another awesome marriage book. Probably my favorite out of the 4 or 5 marriage books I've read.

  7. Loved reading your thoughts on This Momentary Marriage -- it's one I've been meaning to pick up.

    Ps. So happy to find your site :)


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