Thursday, January 8, 2015



listening to so many great podcasts. I could never get into them until I started cleaning houses, and now I'm obsessed. If you like Gilmore Girls (and, honestly, even if you don't), Gilmore Guys is way fun. I'm also enjoying Around the Table and Elise Gets Crafty.

drinking looseleaf tea gifted to us by my sister. Looseleaf tea feels so luxurious to me that I save it for only those quiet moments when the house is clean and the neighbors aren't blaring techno music and all is right with the world.

watching Gilmore Girls, season four. And now I'm all, "Thirteen-year-old self, why the heck are you not watching this?" Also, every Audrey Hepburn movie on Netflix. Obviously.

reading Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton and Middlemarch by George Eliot. I love starting the year with thick, chunky reads. I would highly, highly recommend both.

wanting to do a juice cleanse. To stay in the habit of waking up early. To come up with weekly meal plans so I don't find myself in the checkout aisle at Target every afternoon at 4:30, flipping through all the magazines I pride myself in not reading.

attempting to wear real clothes instead of my flower pant leggings every day. But once you have flowers pants, it's really really hard to justify wearing anything else ever again.

feeling desperate to write again. I'm learning that my cute pink journal doesn't always cut it. Sometimes I need the clackety clack of keys in order to get down to business and write something worthwhile. I'm attempting fiction again (hold me.)

taking way too many photos of my husband, as I continue to learn the ins and outs of my camera. The scrapbooker in me is having a panic attack with all the 300+ photos on my computer of just. his. face. Maybe some things really don't need to be documented.

grateful for a fresh start. Carolina winters. A new shelf of books. Not having to work in an office, or at a mall, anymore. Just enough busy-ness to keep me sane, just enough quiet to give me space to breathe. A husband who encourages and challenges me.


  1. thank you for the podcast recommendations! as i catch up on blogs tonight, i've got gilmore girls playing, too. xo

  2. Gilmore GUYS?! Thanks for the recommendation. Did you listen to Serial?

  3. Thanks for the Gilmore Guys rec! Love it!


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