Tuesday, August 6, 2013

an update of sorts

If you read this post you know that I am slowly teaching myself (or, rather letting God teach me) to not be afraid of the Bible. I'm trying to come to terms with it, you could say. Figuring out how I'm going to approach it as an adult, not just as a fuzzy-feeling grabbing consumer living off of quick bits from devotion books, only ever knowing the interpretations of others.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm reading through Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson, sort of as a guide to opening my eyes to new ways of reading Scripture. And though it's not a fun, quick read, it's giving me some foundational truths to take with me as I pull out my Bible every morning. It's teaching me to approach the Word in its entirety first as a story, to ask how and where I fit into God's great story instead of the other way around. Which, up until recently, was how I always read the Bible: as a self-help book rather than God's love story to us.

What we must never be encouraged to do, although all of us are guilty of it over and over, is to force Scripture to fit our experience. Our exprience is too small; it's like trying to put the ocean into a thimble. What we want is to fit into the world revealed by Scripture, to swim in this vast ocean.

Eugene Peterson

(Hope that was a relevant quote and not an awkward break in the post. Gosh it's a good thing I'll never have to write a term paper again. I remember nothing.)

I'm sure most of you have heard of the She Reads Truth Bible reading plan. I had read a few series before (or a few days of a series, if you want to know the truth), but it never stuck. But when I saw that this summer's plan was on women of the Bible, I decided to give it another shot. And it is so, so good. What I love about She Reads Truth is that they are not about giving you a cute, quick verse coupled with a flowery devotional intended to make you better, sweeter, more Southern, etc. It is totally Gospel-centered, totally revolving around the story of the Bible.

For the first time in years, I am excited to read the Bible. I look up to the ceiling and shrug, like here I am God. See, I'm trying here. And sometimes He responds in these sweet, subtle ways that help me make it through the week. I beg to fall in love with His word every time I open it, and by george, I do. There's good stuff in there. I am scribbling in my Bible like a mad woman, and it feels good.

Of course, it's not always like this. Some mornings before work I can barely keep my eyes open and eventually give up to go scramble some eggs instead (and then get irritated to the point of almost cussing out loud when I can't get that last darn eggshell out of the bowl. And usually by then it's all over.)

But, overall, I am continuing to read with my love-tinted glasses and that is truly making the difference.

Also? Thank you all so much for your kind comments, prayers, links to sermons, etc. It means so much to me. As I'm still getting used to a new church and finding ways to get connected, I'm so thankful for my online community. You're the best.


  1. this is good stuff, heather. love that quote from eugene peterson. what a beautiful image and reminder. i have to confess that my quiet times of late have been far and few between, and my heart definitely feels it when that is the case. it's like my heart knows that i so desperately need the Word and that time with Jesus, but for a while i felt like i wasn't learning anything, so what was the point. ya know? yesterday, i sat down to have my quiet time, and Jesus showed me some of the most beautiful things. it brought me to tears, and i was reminded that whether or not i feel like i get a lot out of every quiet time each morning, Jesus just wants to spend time with me. He is teaching me and molding me whether i realize it each day or not.

    also, she reads truth! i'm the same...i've started several and never finished. sigh. i saw the one about women of the Bible, but i haven't started it! i need to go save it and set myself a reminder :)

    hope you have a beautiful day!

  2. heather, your honesty, as always, is refreshing <3
    I've marked this book as to-read...and i need to get on a reading plan as well, a REAL reading plan.
    I'm currently going through 1 John (here and there) and it is kicking me in the face, which is awesome, but i'm not consistent.
    You're encouraging with your honesty, even if you don't feel that way, know that you're encouraging other women to become more serious in their studying of scripture.

  3. This is so encouraging! Now that I'm going to have a baby in January, I find it more important than ever that I be immersed in the Word. I'm reading the bible using an app on my phone and then, after I read the passage, I re-read it and pick out the truths that God is teaching me and put those down in a note. It helps me be more active while before, the words would just go in and out, never taking hold. I'm just a couple days in but I'm hoping it sticks this time. I really want to get to that place where I'm excited about reading the Bible!

  4. Thank you for this! It truly is difficult to be so wrapped up in the Word but it is so very important. I think I'm going to have to check out that She Reads Truth series!

  5. It's amazing how the Lord totally draws us into His word. And on those days when we are 100% doing it just to cross it off our list? He will honor that fact that at least we are trying! He's so faithful like that :)

  6. #shereadstruth is excellent. I've only participated once, but my experience was just what I needed.

    You're not alone, at all. I find God's word to be overwhelming and mysterious and frightening. Which is why I committed to a summer study of Revelation. The scariest (at least for me) book of all. It has blessed me greatly.

    You, too, will be blessed for going on this journey. Keep it up my dear!


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